Weekly Prices
- Infants (6wks-11m) - $175.00
- Toddlers (12m-23m) - $175.00
- Early Preschool (24m-36m) - $155.00
- Preschool Age (3yrs-5yrs) - $145.00
- After School Care (5yrs-12yrs) - $85.00 or $145.00* for summer care or weeks school is out.
Please ask us about our military and multi-kid discounts!
We understand that each family is unique, keeping that in mind we offer three separate payment options for your convenience. These options are stated below:
Tuition Payment Options
- Payments are due on the 1st of each month, payment is considered late on the 2nd.
- Payment is due every Friday, considered late on Monday.
- Payment is due every other Friday, considered late on Monday.